Must-knows about your journey Zurich-Zermatt

  • The quickest train route from Zurich to Zermatt takes just 3h20.
  • Alternatively, you can enjoy the Lötschberg mountain train that crosses the Bernese mountains.
  • We’ve listed lots of panoramic train detours, both for a 1-day transfer and for a 2- or 3-day journey.
  • If you travel by car, you’ll have to deal with mountain roads, and in some cases with car trains.
  • Zermatt is car-free. You’ll have to park in Täsch and continue by train.

Travel options between Zermatt and Zurich at a glance Copy link to clipboard

The most obvious train route from Zurich in the north to Zermatt in the south is the quick train to Visp in the Valais. You can also opt for a scenic but longer mountain train to Brig. Once in Brig or Visp, you'll switch for the regional train to Zermatt.

A trip by car nearly always involves mountain pass roads or car trains.

RouteTravel timeMode of transportMore information and prices
Zurich - Zermatt, option 1: via Bern - Visp (Lötschberg Base Tunnel)3h15TrainMore
Zurich - Zermatt, option 2: via Bern - Brig (Lötschberg Mountain Railway)4h20TrainMore
Zurich - Zermatt, option 1 - 2: via Bern - Visp (Lötschberg car train)4h20 (including low estimates of waiting time for car train, parking in Täsch, and getting the train to Zermatt)Car + car train + trainMore
Zurich - Zermatt, option 3: via Lucerne - Interlaken5h05TrainMore
Zurich - Zermatt, option 4: via Andermatt5h05-6h05TrainMore
Zurich - Zermatt, option 4: via Andermatt4h35 (including low estimates of waiting time for car train, parking in Täsch, and getting the train to Zermatt)Car + car train + trainMore
Zurich - Zermatt, option 5: via Fribourg - Lausanne - Montreux5h15TrainMore
Zurich - Zermatt, option 5: via Fribourg - Montreux4h55 (including low estimates for parking in Täsch and getting the train to Zermatt)CarMore
Via (optional)
Via (optional)
Departure date
Example: 01.07.= 1 July
Departure time
Example: 13:15=1:15 PM

How does the timetable work?

Tickets for your Zurich-Zermatt ride Copy link to clipboard

What does a train ride Zurich-Zermatt cost?

The price of a normal full-fare ticket is about CHF 130 in 2nd class. A Saver Day Pass can be a lot cheaper if you buy it well in advance.

Do I need a Zurich-Zermatt ticket if I have a rail pass?

You may not need a ticket at all if you have a rail pass that allows free travel, such as the Swiss Travel Pass.

With other rail passes, you might only need a discounted ticket (for example with the Swiss Half Fare Card), or a ticket for part of the ride.

Check rail pass discounts for this route here.

Do I need a reservation?

You don't need reservations for the trains between Zurich and Zermatt. You would only need reservations if you'd opt for a detour by one of the official panoramic trains, such as the Glacier Express or Gotthard Panorama Express.

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Rail pass benefits for Zurich-Zermatt Copy link to clipboard

Adventure Card Free:
  • Zermatt to Visp (train)
More information:

Visp to Zurich (train): no discount.

Day Pass Free:
  • Zermatt to Zurich (train)
Eurail Global Pass Free:
  • Zermatt to Zurich (train)
Interrail Switzerland Pass Free:
  • Zermatt to Zurich (train)
Saver Day Pass Free:
  • Zermatt to Zurich (train)
Swiss Half Fare Card Discount 50%:
  • Zermatt to Zurich (train)
Swiss Travel Pass Free:
  • Zermatt to Zurich (train)
Swiss Travel Pass Flex Free:
  • Zermatt to Zurich (train)

Map of the train and car routes Zurich-Zermatt Copy link to clipboard

On the below map, you can check the train options discussed in this travel guide. The quickest options are the thick red lines via Bern and the Lötschberg area: either through the long Lötschberg Base Tunnel (option 1) or over the Lötschberg mountain route (option 2).

East of them run the scenic train detours via Lucerne (option 3) and Andermatt (option 4). West of them you'll see the detour via Fribourg and Lausanne (option 5).

Will you be making a scenic detour by one of the panoramic trains? Check the detailed maps of that particular route. You'll find them in our panoramic train guides.

Car routes are displayed in black.

Maps are available to members only
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The main train connections between Zurich and Zermatt in detail

Option 1: the quickest train ride Zurich-Zermatt

The quickest option between Zurich and Zermatt takes 3h15. The journey consists of 2 sections: Zurich – Visp and Visp – Zermatt.


  1. Take the train between Zurich in the north and Visp on the southern side of the Alps. This takes 2 hours. The train uses the long Lötschberg Base Tunnel under the mountains.
  2. In Visp, you’ll have to change for the regional train to Zermatt. The ride Visp – Zermatt takes about 1h10 and is very scenic.

On the same route, there are connections that require one additional change in Bern. This adds about 5 minutes to the overall travel time.

There are no direct trains all the way from Zurich to Zermatt.

Option 2: the more scenic train ride Zurich-Zermatt

A scenic alternative is the Lötschberg Mountain Railway between Bern in the north and Brig in the south. This journey consists of 4 sections: Zurich – Bern, Bern – Brig, Brig – Visp, and Visp – Zermatt. The total time is 4h20.


  1. Take any train from Zurich to Bern that fits your schedule.
  2. In Bern, board the Lötschberg Mountain Railway that crosses the Alps. This beautiful journey takes just under 1h45. All details can be found here.
  3. From Brig in the Rhone Valley, make a 6-minute train ride to Visp a bit further east.
  4. A regional train gets you from Visp to Zermatt in about 1h10.

Using the Glacier Express for the section Brig-Zermatt

If you travel via Visp through the Lötschberg Base Tunnel, or via Brig on the Lötschberg Mountain Railway, you could make the last part of the ride by Glacier Express. Note:

  • There are only 1 to 2 Glacier Express trains per day. So the Glacier Express leg from Brig has to fit your schedule.
  • You’ll need seat reservations for the Glacier Express section.
  • You can board the Glacier Express in Brig, but not in Visp. So if you travel through the Lötschberg Base Tunnel, don’t get out in Visp yet, but stay seated until Brig. Brig is the next stop after Visp.

Our advice would be to take regional trains for the last leg to Zermatt. But there are several scenic detours between Zurich and Zermatt that include larger sections of the Glacier Express route, or even the entire ride. We describe them in this travel guide.

Zurich Airport to Zermatt by train

It’s a 3h25 to 3h45 train ride from Zurich Airport to Zermatt. Details:

  • There are several direct trains between Zurich Airport and Visp.
  • If those don’t match your schedule, just use one of the many other connections with a change at Zurich’s main station “Zürich HB”. From there, you can continue your journey on any of the routes described in this travel guide.

All details about getting from the airport to Zurich are provided in our Swiss airport section.

How to find your journey in the timetable

This is how to plan your trip in the timetable:

  • Enter “Zermatt” and “Zürich HB” as your departure and destination stations. Use “Zürich Flughafen” if you’ll travel from or to the airport.
  • The timetable presents the quick trains through the Lötschberg Base Tunnel by default.
  • If you prefer the mountain route, consult our Lötschberg Mountain Railway guide for all planning details.
  • If you want to make a scenic detour as described in this travel guide, you’ll have to add “via” station in the timetable. How to do so, is explained in our timetable guide.

Panoramic train detours for a 1-day transfer

If you have a full day available for your transfer, and if you’re not carrying too much luggage, you can add sections of the GoldenPass, Glacier Express, and Gotthard Panorama Express routes. Or travel via Fribourg, Lausanne, and Montreux on Lake Geneva.

Option 3: 1-day trip with the northern GoldenPass leg (Lucerne-Interlaken-Spiez)

Zurich-Zermatt via Lucerne and Interlaken takes just over 5 hours. You’ll have to change in Lucerne, Interlaken, Spiez, and Visp. Enter “Luzern” and “Interlaken” as via-stations in the timetable.


  • Take a train from Zurich to Lucerne.
  • In Lucerne, board the Luzern-Interlaken Express. This ride is the northern leg of the GoldenPass route.
  • In Interlaken Ost, change toward Spiez.
  • Take a train from Spiez to Visp through the Lötschberg Base Tunnel. If you don’t mind a longer scenic mountain route, board the regional Lötschberg mountain train to Brig instead.
  • Make the last train ride from Visp to Zermatt.

Option 4: 1-day trip with the northern Gotthard Panorama Express leg and western Glacier Express leg (via Andermatt)

Zurich-Zermatt via Andermatt, Göschenen and Oberwald is a 5h05 to 6h05 train ride. Depending on your connection, you’ll have to change trains 2 to 4 times. Add “Andermatt” as a via-station in the timetable.

Mind that you need reservations if you travel in the official Gotthard Panorama Express and Glacier Express trains.


  • Get from Zurich to Göschenen. If the Gotthard Panorama Express fits your schedule, you can use that train. If not, take the regional train “Treno Gottardo” on the same route.
  • Make the 10-minute train ride from Göschenen to Andermatt.
  • In Andermatt, you can board regional trains to Visp and Zermatt. If the Glacier Express timetable matches your arrival in Andermatt, you can use that panoramic train directly to Zermatt.

Option 5: 1-day trip via Fribourg and Lausanne

Although there’s no official panoramic train on this route, getting from Zurich to Zermatt via Lausanne is a very pleasant and scenic ride. In about 5h15, you’ll pass the appealing Fribourg region and you’ll see parts of Lake Geneva and the Rhone Valley in the Valais. Enter “Fribourg/Freiburg” and “Lausanne” as your via-stations in the timetable.


  • Take a train from Zurich to Lausanne.
  • Board the regional train from Lausanne on Lake Geneva to Visp in the Rhone Valley.
  • In Visp, switch for the trains to Zermatt.

You’ll also find trains with an additional change in Bern. Other than that, there’s no difference in the route.

Panoramic train detours for a 2- or 3-day journey

You can turn your Zurich-Zermatt transfer into a multiple-day train ride. This way, you can incorporate large sections of panoramic trains, or even their entire routes.

Option 6: 2- to 3-day ride with the entire Bernina Express and Centovalli routes (via Tirano, Lugano and Locarno)

If you travel via Chur, Tirano, Lugano, and Locarno, you can include 2 scenic train routes in your trip between Zurich and Zermatt: the Bernina Express and the Centovalli Railway. We advise taking 2 to 3 days for this journey.


  • Take a train from Zurich to Chur and on to St. Moritz (or a nearby town).
  • Make the entire Bernina Express ride by train to Tirano and by bus to Lugano. The entire Bernina Express route from Chur to Lugano takes about 10 hours. The bus is not available all year.
  • Travel from Lugano to Locarno. Board the Centovalli train to Domodossola. Travel on to Brig, and then to Zermatt. Lugano-Zermatt via this route takes approximately 4h45.

Good towns to spend the night are Chur, St. Moritz, Lugano, and Locarno.

Option 7: 2-day trip with the Gotthard Panorama Express and the Centovalli Railway (via Lucerne, Airolo, Lugano, Locarno and Domodossola)

It’s worth taking your time for this scenic travel option between Zurich and Zermatt: at least 2 days.


  • Take a train from Zurich to Lucerne.
  • Board the Gotthard Panorama Express boat and train to Lugano, or take one of the other train connections to Lugano.
  • Spend the night in Lugano or in nearby Locarno.
  • The next day, catch the Centovalli Railway to Domodossola. Head on to Brig and Zermatt. The Lugano-Zermatt ride takes around 4h45 this way.

Option 8: 2-day trip with the entire GoldenPass route via Lucerne, Interlaken and Montreux

You can enjoy the full GoldenPass trip from Lucerne to Montreux when traveling from Zurich to Zermatt. The next day, enjoy the pleasant ride through the Rhone Valley on your way to Visp and Zermatt.


  • Get from Zurich to Lucerne.
  • From Lucerne, enjoy the full GoldenPass route to Montreux via Meiringen, Interlaken, Zweisimmen, and Gstaad. Count on a 5- to 6-hour trip between Lucerne and Montreux. All details are available in our GoldenPass guide.
  • The next day, take the easy direct ride from Montreux to Visp.
  • Then board the regional train to Zermatt.

Option 9: 2-day trip with the entire Glacier Express route (via Chur, St. Moritz, and Andermatt)

If you can spend 2 days on your Zurich-Zermatt trip, the Glacier Express is a perfect fit. Details:

  • Board the train from Zurich to Chur and head on to St. Moritz. Spend the night there or in a nearby town.
  • The next day, enjoy the full Glacier Express ride from St. Moritz to Zermatt.

How to continue after arrival in Zermatt or Zurich

If Zermatt is your destination, you will probably be making local trips into the mountains. Consult our activity tips for Zermatt, and our Zermatt travel help.

If you’re heading for Zurich, you can explore the city on foot, or by buses and trams. Zurich is also one of Switzerland’s main train hubs, so you can easily continue your travels in plenty of directions. Our Zurich activity tips and travel section help you out.

Zurich to Zermatt by car

Must-knows before you decide on driving to or from Zermatt

If you want to drive between Zurich and Zermatt, note the following:

  • You can’t drive to or in Zermatt. The village is entirely car-free. You’ll have to park your car in Täsch and board the train to Zermatt there. We explain all about it in our Zermatt travel guide.
  • Zurich is north of the Bernese Alps, Zermatt is south of it. So in most cases, you’ll have to travel over mountain passes. Most are not accessible year-long. Check the average opening dates in advance.
  • In several routes, a car train through the mountains is included.
  • Although there’s a way to bypass most mountain routes, the stretch from Visp to Täsch still is a mountain road.

So our advice is: only drive if you’re experienced, careful and cautious, and if you love mountain roads. In all other cases, the train is a better option.

Zurich-Täsch via Bern, Spiez, Kandersteg, and Goppenstein (similar to train option 1 and 2)

This route includes the Lötschberg car train from Kandersteg in the Bernese Oberland to Goppenstein in the Valais. There’s no alternative pass road. This route is accessible year-round.

Zurich-Täsch takes roughly 3h45 this way. The exact time depends on your waiting time for the Lötschberg car train, delays, and breaks. Add an extra 30 minutes for parking in Täsch and the train ride to Zermatt.


  • Drive south-west from Zurich to Bern.
  • Continue south to Thun, Spiez and Kandersteg.
  • Use the Lötschberg car train to Goppenstein on the southern side of the Alps.
  • Descend toward Visp at the bottom of the Rhone Valley.
  • Drive into the Matter Valley until you reach Täsch.
  • Park in Täsch and take the train to Zermatt.

Zurich-Täsch via Andermatt, Realp, and Oberwald (similar to train option 4)

On this route, you’ll take the car train from Realp to Oberwald, or drive over the Furka Pass.

The total duration between Zurich and Täsch is about 4 hours. You’ll have to add time for possible delays and breaks. Also, you may have to wait a while before you can get on the car train. And then there’s about 30 minutes extra to park in Täsch and take the train to Zermatt.


  • You’ll first drive from Zurich south to Arth-Goldau.
  • Then head for Erstfeld along the southern part of Lake Lucerne.
  • Drive up to Göschenen, and head west to Andermatt and Realp.
  • Take the car train from Realp to Oberwald in the Upper Rhone Valley. Alternatively, you can drive the Furka Pass road with its hairpin bends.
  • Head on west to Visp, and then south to Täsch.
  • Park your car and take the train to Zermatt.

Zurich-Täsch via Bern, Fribourg and Montreux (similar to train option 5)

This is the car route we recommend if you want to avoid as many mountain stretches as possible. The journey to Täsch takes around 4h20. Add time for delays and breaks, and around 30 minutes to park in Täsch and get the train to Zermatt.


  • Drive south-west to Bern and Fribourg.
  • Drive south to Vevey/Montreux on Lake Geneva.
  • Continue east into the Rhone Valley toward Visp.
  • Drive south into the Matter Valley. This is the most mountainous part of the route.
  • Park in Täsch and take the train to Zermatt.

Zurich-Täsch via Lucerne, Meiringen, Innertkirchen, Oberwald and Grimsel Hospiz

This varied route takes you over the Brünig Pass between Lake Lucerne and eastern Bernese Oberland. You’ll then take the Grimsel Pass up to Grimsel Hospiz, and you’ll descend into the eastern Rhone Valley over the Furka Pass road.

The total travel time to Täsch is about 3h50. Add about 30 minutes for parking in Täsch and taking the train to Zermatt, plus time for delays and breaks.


  • Drive from Zurich toward Lucerne and Lungern.
  • Cross the Brünig Pass toward Meiringen.
  • Head south-east to Innertkirchen.
  • Drive up to Grimsel Hospiz over the Grimsel Pass.
  • Descend to Oberwald in the Upper Rhone Valley over the western part of the Furka Pass.
  • Head west to Visp, and south to Täsch.
  • Park your car and take the train to Zermatt.

Prepare before driving

It’s important to prepare well before a car trip in Switzerland. This is especially true if you’ll be driving mountain routes. Consult our practical car tips here.

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We’re passionate tourists and locals. We share tips about how to plan a trip to Switzerland. MySwissAlps was founded in 2002.

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Page author: ArnoI have visited Switzerland countless times since 1997. I've explored most of the country, but find myself staying in the Bernese Oberland and Graubünden most frequently. The alps and the rail network remain very impressive, even after all these years.